USM Confession welcomes everyone to speak out your opinions and seek advice from others. MeMes are welcome as well as it brings joys to everyone xD. Do note that eXpLiCiT ConTentS will not be considered xP. Come and submit what's on your mind! Rules and Regulation 1. DO NOT SUBMIT any Hate or name-calling (in Chinese, called it as "人身攻击“) related post. Sensitive content like religious and race hate posts will be filtered out as well. This is the kind of verbal abuse that serves no other purpose and it is a means to insult other people. For example, Conny you are very stupid and fat. 2. DO NOT SUBMIT ANY NSFW (not safe for work) content. Violence and explicit content will not be posted under any kind of circumstances. Don't know what is an NSFW content? google it yourself and you will know it. All vulgar and sex-hinting language may or may not be censored out, depends on our judgment. This means that the confession may still be posted, it is just some words that have "***" on it. 3. DO NOT SUBMIT dispute content centred at clubs and events. For example, SKKT events. We understand that confession can be a place for you to complain anonymously, but when we think this is ways too controversial, we may decide to filter out the post. 2-3 post may or may not be fine, it all depends on our judgment and discussion among the admin. 4. DO NOT SUBMIT any advertisement. We do not accept any kind of advertisement. If you wish to promote your own club, please kindly find another platform to do so. Advertisement in meme form will be considered, but we will filter it if there are too many of them. Academic-related and non-commercial survey forms are welcomed. 5. We reserve all the right to publish or filter your submission. As we carry the name of USM and USM Authority are fully aware of our existence. This constrains of what we can post and our freedom of speech. Nevertheless, We still wish that USM Confession can be one of the few last places for USM Student to voice out their opinion anonymously and MORE MEMES!! 6. The main language in USM Confession would be English, Mandarin and Malay. If you wish to write in other languages or dialect, PLEASE KINDLY LEAVE A TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH and tell the reader what language you are writing. Failure to comply with this rule will resulting in your submission to be filtered out. 7. Your submission would be entirely ANONYMOUS, we will never collect your personal data unless you write it yourself in the submission. Even admin don't know who you are. But it doesn't mean that you can be rude and irresponsible in your submission. Your submission would be read by REAL PERSON and would bring impact to the USM Community, be it positive or negative. Remember this when you want to submit a confession. 8. If you are experiencing some issue during submission, please kindly refresh this link and 99% of times it will solve the problem. Please kindly contact our page @usmconfession in FB if the problem persists. 9. Please kindly PM us if you see any inappropriate post. There is a high chance that we let it slip past accidentally or sometimes, the system is having a bug/issue that we did not realise it. 10. We (admin) reserve all the right to modify the rules and regulations without any notice. If your submission is deemed as not appropriate by admin, we reserve the right to modify and delete your submission or comment, even your submission don't violate any rules mentioned above. 11.USM Confession is not USM Official page! Please refer to USM Official page for accurate info. USM Confession does not represent Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Your submission to USM Confession is anonymous, both to the page moderator(s) and HanoTech. For more information on how we protect your privacy, please read our Privacy Policy.